That my days in IIMC

That my days in IIMC

Friday, December 21, 2007

Business plans : I will be implementing in mere future

Some of my crazy works include:

1> Googly ladder : A multipurpose ladder system.
2> Intelligent traffic control system through lasers and GPS.
3> A one-way switch to control the different operations of a room.
4> Personal Savings Manager: A purse that keeps track of all the denominations [ mainly rupees]
in your purse to manage your accounts.
5> :Online medical registration

When you want something badly,that thing becomes yours.

Thanks planet !

Somebody in cold and between rocks waving his hands to seek help from someone he knows.
"Hey dude! I'm sinking down here.This time : I wan't no joke".
Someone has rightly said: "Somethings come down to you when you don't even expect it".
Nothing much to say about him but i can say "I got a help i needed"

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A demotivated person speaks:

16th October'07

Doesn't know what has happened to me...all my dreams, reverie, plans , organisation, abilities , choices , potentional , potential to move away from crowd, power to act differently, spirit to think beyond any person...i have lost myself for the last three days...neither i'm preparing well for management...That forces me to go against this proverb "Let the fate to almighty"...I need to power myself, i need my blood to heat up, i need myself to pace up to compete all the persons.Let me be unparalled...let me be uncomparable...that's the only way i can provide answers to those who sometimes believed me....

Sorry cann't share to anybody...

Let's leave the topic...I've assigned Sumo a task to generate an idea for the split of the groups...5 DOTS...I rang him today morning but no one answered.May be he will be busy,
i will call him tonight..."Let's hope he finds a better solution for this and can think better than me"...

By the way i've to leave to home...since its already 7:11pm and soon,it will be hard to find auto from this place...I'm in CL and about to leave

Sunday, October 14, 2007

12 hrs :720 minutes : zero output :Can it decide "Who I'm"

14th october,07

Can someone help me??"6hrs yesterday and 6 hrs today" couldn't decide my fate.I tried my best to generate a creative idea to write some pages of novel but couldn't cope through.Have my brain stopped working for the last 2 days.Actually I'm thinking abt the idea to make the relations weak b/w the 5 dots.I wan't them to fight with their rigid hands.Ohh God!! help me.
Mr Creative is unable to generate an idea.Certainly, I'm not satisfied with my performance now.But 1 thing I know I'm that kind of person who will say "No" if he doesn't know the answer but he definately knows "how to find the answer and will find the answer".That's my belief in myself.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Shift + Delete : Does it matter ! !

9th october,8:56pm

Hey what does this mean??This means the same what i'm trying to say...I'm afraid to remember that event what that "Alien" did to me last night.
"Knock Knock Knock"...Come on open the door else I'm leaving...Someone roared behind the door of R-n 197...Hey that's mine room..."What a attitude he has" I'll not open it.Come on!! If you want to leave...then leave.Just don't screw me.And mind it.
"Come on..Open else i will break the door"
"Ok...Alien what the matter"
He just came as if a light is coming in a dark room...Such was the force he brought...
"Leave this junk and move sideways"
Well, he meant my little n sweet laptop.I agreed to his wish.Ohh i forget to tell you about Alien...that's Kunal...the mastermind.

"Pawan you have to leave this idea...You have to forget about novel"

"Have you gone insane...What the hell have happened to you"
Can you give me a good reason Why??

No can't say but you have to leave this idea and you have to back where you have been.

"Pawan...your whole work through the last one n half years is saved in D: drive...right"
"right...but why"

I wan't to play a game...Remember it's not a joke

Well,he opened a folder titled "5 dot spirit Continues"...Plenty of works has been done by you...
Then "Traffic Control project"in other folder....then business plans....then ad-designs...then photos.....I am again saying you I need to play a game...
Without even looking to me...he pressed "Shift+Del"

It seem as if my heartbeat stopped for a while.I was unable to take breathe since My 500 days days work was on a verge to be lost.

"See the option...Do you want to delete this folder permanently...Should i press YES"
He asked me...What the hell is this...I'm quite serious...I'm not going to leave you if you do what you said just now...Ohh my god!! he was serious this time..

"Pawan!! Will you leave this idea or not.You have to stop here"
"No...cann't...just remove your hand"

"I'm palying a game with you"
"I am here to play....I'm here to play well....I'm here to play well to win this game"

"This time I'm removing my hand but remember You have a little time to think...Ultimatum ends on the end of Dusshera..If i can do upto this level...I can even delete your all work...Mind it"

He left the room even without seeing at me and i kept feeling the same "He was trying to motivate me...Thanks Planet.....Thanks Alien....Thanks kunal"

Saturday, October 6, 2007

First time i realised !!!

6th october'07

Time:11 pm
Venue:My hostel room, Room No-197/H-7

"Cat among the pigeons" is the phrase i use speak and realise...and may be that's my destiny...I am satisfied with my preparation at CL...I was reading "Punctuations" and that was too worthful to have a dream in mind "IIMC and then IIMA"...Why this C comes before A... i myself don't know...may be during my summer training at IIT KGP...i went to see the panorma of 18 hrs dream-journey from KGP to KOL...well, lets back to where i was...
A calling tune in form of sinusoidal wave swayed across my ears...still cann't get it...i thought it to be fallacy...went through the CL book to complete my homework."Anandita mam is going to crush our batch" I had a fear in mind that compelled me to read...
Again the same tune dangled across my ears...This time i was not going to struck my attention..."Ohh Shit!! its the Rs 1600 cell that is swinging..."9430330225"...ohh thats PLANET's no..ohh sorry you don't know abt planet...well that's Kunal...that's the most intelligent,most inspiring person i have ever met as a friend...Something must be specific..."Hi..Shaurabh speaking...You need to come to 213 now"
"Hey Sumo! i have my personal work yaar...will come later"
"Come now"
"something must be serious...may be novel part"
I moved through the way to dreams"
"Kunal, Shaurabh, Gaurav" were waiting for me.
Why i'm using these lines..."Why cann't i use the other way...Planet,Sumo,Abhay...that's just 3 out of the team "5 dot Spirit Continues"...
"what's the matter"...I said to them
"well we needed to talk to you and we have been waiting for a great person like you for a long long moment"
"That's really great" I replied.
"To start with..i need a better name for Satish"
"Chunnu , tinku , Bokka , Gajhodar ..." and all those silly reply.
"No can't impressed...i need you all to be serious"
"What..I was shocked"
NO not great..but something striked me but it seems to be can be...ohh it's really"
That's great!! who the hell told that expressing a feel that i was not at all impressed...
"That's me..Gaurav"
"Gaurav what u have done"...
That's like a miracle i was waiting for...Valle- A very nice pair with Naina...
Share what you did next to ?? the mob told
I was trying to call but a disastrous wave came and took the seriousness from the 3 dots...dots is actually my friends...
Pawan please "share"...even if you cann't u can debenture it...the went on to laugh..."That's the PJ part which i hate"...Then again the situation beacame worse and i had to leave...

Venue:My room again
Position:I was solving puzzles
"The nokia-Coconut Ringtone" swayed again...
"Valle ! please come back"...We were just joking...I agreed but the result was same...I had to leave again and this time, i was desperate to say them "Good-bye for today and Good-nite...i won't come"...But i didn't and left them in a hope to complete my homework..

Venue:My room again
Position:I was about to solve puzzles
Again the same ringtone..."i am not going to attend this...mind it" I thought.But cann't cope through and picked up the phone in a view that "might be they all serious"...
"Hey dude!! its gaurav...come" It's like he was crying...RAjiv too is there...
"No..if you all aren't serious...then why are you calling me..I'll complete it without your help...and please mind it"
"WE all 4 are waiting for you"
Finally i agreed since Rajiv was also there...
"Knock Knock at 213"
The door is open- Planet replied.
Finally i was shocked to see all of us:5 DOTS to be serious atlease FOR THE FIRST TIME abt the idea of novel...
I shared the idea which they don't know...
Hypoglobulinamea, suicide , harsh times, a need of help,naina, research , death, river, girls hostel, condulence and it went on for 2 hours straight....
The best part is that they were pretty impressed...Sumo provided with a plenty of idea ghost,haunting,Doctor Raj Malhotra...that proves him to be among the list of creative persons...
And the time came for the Planet's words."Write the last scene first that will make you feel about the climax and you will know where are you going"...In a way to discuss the last part some of them fall into deep sleep,some of them laughed,some of them dreamt, some of them started PJ's...some of them started to fight,some of them started to jump in a background of BLUES music,some of them ....
some of the.... and the list goes on
"MAY be we slept for a while but 5 DOTS will make the world believe that there faith in themselves at the difficult phases of life will surround only one idea "An Inspiration to million of hearts"

Saturday, September 22, 2007

What should i choose !!!! usual CL usual i was late today...I should be there at 9:30am but being pawan and as usual a late comer...arrived there at 10:16 am i guess...classes and TSD...something strange happened...i was caught by anandita mam...and invited to move to room no-4...well, i was surprized a little bit but thought let see what happens...somewhere you have to believe in "connecting the dots"...that's what i'm believing now...
There are two pawans as far as i know:
1>The pawan who was 1 and half years before
2>The pawan who belongs to this date...I cann't describe him in 1 or 2 lines...I need a long long page to say about him...
In short....i'm pawan who gives priority to his dreams...IIM A ....IIM C...completion of plans....patents...add-designs...high-profile...thinking in a way that other cannot dare to think...prizes ....prizes and prizes...
Let it be secret what happened in room-4..,will definately share in other blogs but on an overall i enjoyed a lot..

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Swinging with tune !!!!!!

17th sept,07......well long it had been from where i wrote my very last post...but i am thankful to god...."I'm back"...Tomorrow is DBMS mid-sem test....but no....and as usual "White elephant will remain white elephant"...not studying as usual.....and as usual not ruining this useful moment given to me by god...

"Live today as if this is the last day of your life"...If i remember well...said by my guru "Steve jobs"...still following it and still thinking abt dreams...if specific....creating business plan.."Medilance"..well can't share the secret with you...

"I'll live with pride and die with pride......but will not move with crowd....that i promise with you"...Ahh...One incident is hitting my mind as if someone one is playing volley ball over my head...
I was studying LCT(Linear control theory) some days before...dont think much...i was preparing for mid-sem...But one thing you can't believe " I was hanging on a bridge between the depths of life and death while studying LCT...Don't understand where i was studying...Come on guess...can't...ok...not in my room, not in terrace,not in corridor....but along the floor ousite the window in one of my friend's room....and the unique point was "It was street light on which i was relying to study the texts".....Then kamlendu came....surprised...n told " may die...that's not a place to read"....On the other side...if you may die...."well i was thinking about taking risks that time...and i am quite sure this will connect some dots in future"...I replied then..."I will not die...I can't die so easily...I'm swinging with the tune of life....someday life will swing according to my tune".....

Abt novel....just have written 19 pages...will write some pages soon...lets see how i shape it...

Friday, June 29, 2007

Me and IIMC

Venue: IIT Kgp
Time : 00:10 am,30th june'07.

Such a duffer you are...and how can you do this...No bullet in the gun...not a single penny in your hairs in your head...not an empire...nothing you have for now atleast....It's simply madness to follow "Paths unseen and destinations Unknown ;PUDU"...Hey its not the film "Ek chalis ki last local" that 2.5 crore is going to reverberated in your finger-tip.

"Will PUDU be a boon or bane for you"..."How can you reach IIMC tomorrow just for the sake of dreams...Such a intuitive feeling i have for now...And with such a fear in mind and having fate to almighty,i have recumbent to feel i have consummate quality of generating ideas and following my dreams...Well no doubt, i am certainly going to IIMC tomorrow i.e 30th june'07 where i see myself after 2 years...Last day, when i was visiting the site of Carrer Launcher, I saw a line written "Don't measure your success in terms of parameters defined by other human beings...measure it by the parameters defined by you only...and that will make you a happy person"...and and now when i retrospect that matter, i think ingratiated the most sense of it...

Hey this time I'm soporific now but i have to go to Electronics lab bye bye...and remember "Its only personal aspiration that matters where you will stand the very next day" and "The question is not who is going to let me but the question is who is going to stop me"

Sunday, June 17, 2007

"Waiting for one day"

Is tihs me woh hsi wrtting teh psot, If yuo aks me I wlil tell yuo olny oen thnig bsos and i konw waht i am telnilg...."Its my fear that is forcing me to write but I will transform that fear into passion one day"